In fulfilment of the law 34/2002, July 11th, of services of the information society and electronic commerce, Pedreres INCOMAR advises that it is the owner of the website www.pedreresincomar.com/. In accordance with the requirement of article 10 of the mentioned Act, Pedreres INCOMAR reports the following data: Pedreres INCOMAR with registered address at C / Sant Sebastià, s/n 25412 Els Omellons (Lleida - Spain). The company’s contact email address is: info@pedreresincomar.com
The navigation, access and use of the website of Pedreres INCOMAR confers the condition of user, who accepts, from the navigation by the page Pedreres INCOMAR all them conditions of use here established without prejudice of it application of the corresponding normative of forced compliance legal according to the case. Pedreres INCOMAR website provides a wide range of information, services and data. The user assumes its responsibility in the right use of the website. This responsibility extends to a:
-The veracity and legality of the information provided by the user in the forms for Pedreres INCOMAR for access to certain content or services offered by the web. 'It will also be responsible for the use given to the access codes that have obtained with filling in the forms mentioned.'
-The use of the information, services and data offered by Pedreres INCOMAR against the provisions of the present terms, the law, morality, good customs or public order, among others, may constitute a breach of the rights of third parties or the same performance of the website.
Pedreres INCOMAR is not responsible for the content of the web pages that the user can access through the links provided on their website, and it declares that in no event shall examine or exercise any control over the content of other Web pages. In addition, nor ensure technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of pages outside your property, which can be accessed via the links. Pedreres INCOMAR declares have adopted all the needed measures in order to avoid any damage that, to them users of your website, could derive is of the navigation by its website. Consequently, Pedreres INCOMAR not is makes responsible, in any case, of them eventual damage that by the navigation by Internet could suffer the user.
Pedreres INCOMAR has booked also the Faculty of take actions, civil or criminal , that considers appropriate by its use undue of your website and content or by the breach of them present conditions. The relationship between the user and Pedreres INCOMAR shall be governed by current Spanish legislation and shall have jurisdiction to decide any dispute that may arise between the user and Pedreres INCOMAR the courts or tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain).
This modifications may be made through your website, of any legally admissible form and will be enforced during the time in which they are published on the web until they are not validly modified by others later.
Pedreres INCOMAR reserves the right to use cookies in the user navigation on its website for easy customization and ease of navigation. Following the company's data protection policy, Pedreres INCOMAR advises that the cookies associated with the anonymous user and his computer, and don't provide the name and surname of the user. The user has the possibility of configure your browser so the report of the reception of cookies, can, if it wants to, prevent that are installed in your disc hard. However, for the access to the website Pedreres Incomar not be mandatory the installation of cookies.
In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, Pedreres INCOMAR informs users of its website that the personal data collected by the company through the forms on its page will be entered in an automated file Under the responsibility of Pedreres INCOMAR in order to facilitate, expedite and fulfil the commitments established between both parties.
Also, Pedreres INCOMAR advises of the possibility of exercising them rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition through a written to the address: building CIM Vallès-plant 11-C / Calderí s/n-Pol. IND. CIM Vallès - 08130 Sta. Perpetua de Mogoda (Barcelona) - Spain. If during the period of 30 days you do not tell us otherwise, we will understand that their data has not been modified, that you agree to notify us of any changes, and we have the permission to use them in order to be able to retain the relationship between the parties.
Intellectual and industrial property rights arising from all the texts, images, as well as media and forms of presentation and installation of your page they belong, or as assignee, to Pedreres INCOMAR will be, therefore, works protected as intellectual property by applicable law Spanish, being applicable to them both the Spanish and community in this field regulations, and international treaties relating to the subject and subscribed by Spain. In compliance of the law of the property intellectual is prohibits expressly the reproduction, distribution, communication, publication and use, of the whole or part of them contained of its website without the consent express of Pedreres INCOMAR
Pedreres INCOMAR has booked also the Faculty of take actions, civil or criminal , that considers appropriate by its use undue of your website and content or by the breach of them present conditions. The relationship between the user and Pedreres INCOMAR shall be governed by current Spanish legislation and shall have jurisdiction to decide any dispute that may arise between the user and Pedreres INCOMAR the courts or tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain).